Who do I contact?
City of Edinburgh Council manage and deliver local services throughout the city. The list of services can be viewed in that section below. This is your first port of call to report an issue, request a service, raise a query, make payments, etc.
Ward councillors are elected politicians who represent their constituency to City of Edinburgh council and often other authorities or organisations. This is the escalation stage if you feel CEC has not delivered/helped or an unresolved public issue from a utilities or infrastructure organisation carrying out local work.
The community council is an elected committee of local residents working voluntarily to give local representation of the area on planning matters. We also engage in a wider range of issues on behalf of the area. If you would like information, support or have any ideas then QDCC can help point you in the right direction and discuss your ideas.
MP & MSP – Politicians who represent their constituency in Westminster and Holyrood respectively. The areas they can influence are listed below. Please check the appropriate contact and note that council related matters should be escalated through ward councillors initially.
City of Edinburgh Council
All City of Edinburgh Council online services here
If you wish to report a fault or service issue to City of Edinburgh Council click here.
Elected ward councillors
If you wish to speak with any of our four elected ward councillors who represent the Almond Ward within City of Edinburgh Council, then click on the name for contact details.
Local Police
Email : EdinburghCPTnorthwest@scotland.pnn.police.uk
Phone : 101 ( non-emergency) or 999 (emergency)
Queensferry & District Community Council

If you have any questions, queries or simply want further information about the voluntary Queensferry and District Community Council, please contact us via any of the channels below. Please note we are not part of City of Edinburgh Council or any other authority. We merely represent residents and the town to those authorities on a voluntary basis. Monthly Meetings open to all public (see Meetings & Reports page for details)

Please read our monthly newsletters for the current status and updates on all QDCC matters before contacting us. The search field below may also help you check bulletins (note: this cannot search the newsletters content).
Social Media
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for current updates.

Contact QDCC by email
Please use the form below.
* Please note we are not part of City of Edinburgh Council or any other government authority. We are officially recognised elected residents who represent residents’ collective views and the town to those authorities on a voluntary basis. We are statutory consultees on council and government planning matters but have no authority to allocate social housing, repairs, take council tax queries or deliver any other council services. These type of queries should be directed to City of Edinburgh Council.
Your email address will be visible to the QDCC Secretary and Communications Convenor and may be shared with other relevant community councillors, ward councillors or relevant officials depending on the nature of your enquiry but not made public. If you do not wish your email address and/or name shared to relevant council officials or other relevant persons outside the community council then please state so at the top of your message. We do not use your email address or name for any purpose other than contact with you on matters relevant to your query. Thank you.
A voluntary member of the community council will respond as soon as possible. Thank you. Our Privacy policy can be read here.
All QDCC correspondence to:
Mr Terry Airlie, Correspondence Secretary,
Queensferry & District Community Council,
87 Sommerville Gardens,
South Queensferry, EH30 9PW
07763 123870 (Mr Terry Airlie)*
*Please read the explanation above about QDCC and what our limitations are before contacting us. Thank you.
Elected Members of Parliament
If you wish to speak with an elected member of parliament, click name.
Scottish Parliament (Holyrood)
- agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- education and training
- environment
- health and social services
- housing
- law and order
- local government
- sport and the arts
- tourism and economic development
- many aspects of transport
UK Parliament (Westminster)
- benefits and social security
- immigration
- defence
- foreign policy
- employment
- broadcasting
- trade and industry
- nuclear energy, oil, coal, gas and electricity
- consumer rights
- data protection
- the Constitution