I’m sending this out to groups and organisations in Almond ward to remind you that each Neighbourhood Network (NN) has a small budget to support small, one-off projects that aim to benefit the local area. A balance of £22,142 remains in Almond NN to be allocated this financial year.
You can find out more about COMMUNITY GRANTS FUNDING and what sort of things we can and can’t fund in our guidance linked below. If you think you are eligible to apply, please either get in touch if you have queries, or complete the application form and return it to me with associated documents.
Although a maximum application of £5000 can be considered, the majority of awards in Almond are up to £3000. THE NEXT DEADLINE IS 7TH AUGUST 2023
I look forward to hearing from you,
Elaine Lennon
Community Empowerment & Engagement Officer | Community Empowerment and Engagement Service | Place | The City of Edinburgh Council
Details, application and contact email here :