Dalmeny siren system – What to do in an emergency

The FP Ineos Dalmeny community siren system was implemented around 2009 to alert the community in the event of any fire or toxic leakage from the crude oil tanks or pipes.
The procedure in an emergency is as follows:
** Go in, stay in, tune in **
If there is an incident, go indoors unless you are asked to leave by the emergency services. With some toxic fumes things will look normal and you will not see, smell or feel anything different. You should:
  • close all doors, windows and vents
  • put out all naked flames such as pilot lights
  • switch off gas supplies
  • put away or cover all fresh food
  • have emergency provisions ready
  • use the phone only if you really need to – keep the line free for emergency use
  • Stay indoors until you know more about what is going on and what you need to do to protect yourself.
  • Tune in to a local radio, TV station or check online (verified sources only).
If you think you may have become contaminated, please contact the emergency services for help using:
BP Dalmeny
We have an emergency plan for the BP Dalmeny site. Sirens will warn people who live or work in the area of any risk from an incident on the site.
Remember, if you hear the sirens: go in, stay in, tune in.
Please note, people who live or work near Dalmeny will be contacted by BP before the sirens are tested.
