Update from Edinburgh Leisure re: QHS facilities over the summer holidays…
That’s all the bookings live on the system.
• Family Swim Sessions – the sessions last 40 mins. You can now book online and via the app. Edinburgh Leisure Discount card holders and members can book 8 days in advance. Other customers can book 7 days in advance. Remember there are shallow and deep-water sessions available. For the deep water everyone, adults and children, must be able to swim 25 metres confidently and unaided. These sessions cost £12.50 and are for up to 5 people.
• Lane Swimming – the sessions last 45 mins and cost £5.50. You must be able to swim full lengths continuously to access our lane swimming sessions.
• Junior Swim Sessions (9-15yrs) – If you have a Junior Membership, it’s all included! The non-member price is £2.80 per child. The sessions last 45 mins. Book online or via ‘Swim Bookings’ on the app. Bookings open 4 days in advance at 9pm for Swim Members and 3 days in advance at 9pm for non-members.
Further information can be found here https://www.edinburghleisure.co.uk/activities/swim/types-of-swimming
I hope this helps.