We would like to invite the Community Council and interested members of the local community to a public consultation event that is being held at Room DC2, Dakota Hotel Edinburgh, Ferrymuir, Queensferry, South Queensferry, EH30 9QZ on Wednesday 19th June between the hours of 3pm – 7pm.
This exhibition is being held to provide the local community with the opportunity to understand and comment on a forthcoming Approval of Matters Specified in Conditions (AMSC) Planning Application for the construction of a rapid Electric Vehicle (EV) charging GigaHub and relocated petrol filling station, retail foodstore and two retail / café units on land southwest of 10 Builyeon Road, South Queensferry, following planning permission in principle being granted in February 2022.
The event will be ‘drop-in’ style and members of the project team will be on hand throughout the consultation event to answer any questions members of the community may have.
Kieran McFarlane MRTPI
Senior Planner, Ferguson Planning