I am writing to advise you that the carriageway on Station Road will be resurfaced in phases over the summer starting on Monday 3rd of July. The work will take approximately 10 weeks to complete and also includes the renewal of road drainage, the resurfacing of various footway areas and the installation of further traffic calming features.
All associated works shall be carried out by Luddon Construction Limited between the hours of 0700 to 1900 Monday to Friday and the project will be carried out in phases as follows:
- Phase of Works & Approximate Duration
- The Loan to Burgess Road – 1.5 weeks
- Burgess Road to Ashburnham Road – 2.5 weeks
- Ashburnham Road to Dalmeny Station roundabout – 2.5 weeks
- Dalmeny Station roundabout to Bankhead Grove / Forth Terrace – 1.5 weeks
- Bankhead Grove / Forth Terrace to Bankhead Road – 1.5 weeks
To allow for the safe execution of the works a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is in place to close off various parts of the road and suspend on-street parking as necessary. The works will be carried out in phases to retain as much vehicular access as possible with diversions in place. In general, the road will be fully closed during resurfacing, but we will try and keep the road open when carrying out the minor drainage and footway works if possible.
Notices and information boards will be placed on site along Station Road and surrounding areas to highlight any temporary restrictions. Please make sure that you do not park within any coned off areas as this may delay works. During each phase, members of the public are asked to follow the diversions and restrictions in place and allow additional time for travel to avoid delays.
During phases 2 to 5 (inclusive), Lothian Buses will be diverted away from Station Road as they will be unable to travel through the work site. Lothian Buses will provide further information in the bus shelters, please contact Lothian Buses at mail@lothianbuses.co.uk or by phoning 0131 555 6363 for more information.
Emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times and arrangements will be made with the Council’s Waste Team to ensure refuse collections are maintained. Pedestrian access will also be maintained at all times.
It is recognised that these works will cause disruption to local residents and road users, and every effort will be made to keep this to a minimum. I apologise in advance for the inconvenience these works may cause but hope you will benefit from the improved footway and carriageway condition for the coming years.
If you have any questions or require any further information about the works, please contact the contracting firm, Luddon Construction Limited on 0141 945 2233 or myself at ben.sharratt@edinburgh.gov.uk.
Yours sincerely
Ben Sharratt
Project Manager