In accordance with the terms of the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999, I write to inform you that the City of Edinburgh Council proposes to advertise a Traffic Regulation Order which will..

  • iIntroduce Disabled Persons Parking Places on Alan Breck Gardens, Tyler’s Acre Road, Saughton Mains Drive, Randolph Crescent (replacing a permit holders parking place), Colinton Mains Drive, Gosford Place, Orchardfield Avenue, Ransome Gardens, West Granton Road, Newhaven Place, Dudley Gardens, Seaview Crescent, Lutton Place (replacing a shared use parking place), Braid Road, Lawson Crescent, Marlborough Street, Drum Street, King’s Road, Restalrig Avenue, Barnie Terrace, Magdalene Gardens and Annandale Street (replacing a shared use parking place).
  • Remove Disabled Persons Parking Places on Ransome Gardens, Stenhouse Place East, Redhall Road, Whitson Grove, Stenhouse Crescent, Drummond Place (to be replaced with a permit holders parking place), Granton Road, John Street, Northfield Farm Road and Magdalene Gardens.
  • Extend Disabled Persons Parking Places on Granton Terrace and Glendevon Place.

The proposals relating to this Order can be viewed online at the Council website from 1 September 2023 to 22 September 2023 or alternatively, free of charge at Waverley Court Reception between 9:30 & 15:30 Monday to Friday during the same period. You can also register for email or text alerts via the Tell Me Scotland portal at which also provides details of this proposal.

Should you wish to submit an objection to the proposal, please do so by 22 September 2023 quoting notice reference number TRO/22/18 to or by post to Traffic Orders, Place, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG.

All objections should state the name and address of the objector, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which they are made. If you are responding to this consultation and your comments or objection relate to any particular location/s or element/s of the proposals, it would be helpful if you could identify those in your response.