I refer to the above and include information on the planned closures for your information and dissemination.
On completion of the works on Rosshill Terrace (Station Road) Queensferry, we are planning to close the junction of Hopetoun Road, The Loan and the High Street.
There will be two distinct phases to the resurfacing:
For the first 2 weeks the High Street will be closed at the west end (see the plan in the Notification letter), access will be possible from the east end at the Hawes Turning Circle (the current one-way system will be rescinded during this 2-week period).
Following the phase above Hopetoun Road (at the Priory Church) will remain closed for a further 4 weeks. The Loan and the High Street will reopen (the High Street will revert back to the current one-way system).
At this point, can I offer my apologies for any disruption the local investment has caused to date, and in advance of the next critical stage of the project acknowledge access over the west end of the High Street will be available, but restricted during the first phase of works (estimated over the first two weeks). I am aware of the current trading environment that many businesses face and assure you we will endeavour to complete this phase as soon as reasonably possible.
I’ve attached the following documents for your information:
• The Notification letter dated 15th April (mail drop tomorrow).
• The Stewart Terrace Diversion Route plan showing extent of the parking/waiting prohibitions for the diverted bus route.
• A signed copy of the TTRO (The TTRO starts on Monday 18th April, however the physical closure is not planned until the 25th)
• The Local Taxi Boundary plan showing the extent of the planned taxi pick-up service during the closure for residents with disabilities or difficulty accessing the diversion route easily. (There is a new PIN for this planned closure, residents can contact me for the details if required).
The contractor will deliver an access information sheet for businesses and residents on the west end of the High Street and Hopetoun Road next week.
I have briefed our Refuse, Street Cleaning, Winter Maintenance, Events and Roads Opps teams, updated the Emergency Services (including the local RNLI and Coast Guard) and the affected bus companies.
I have arranged for Business Open as Usual signage and will try to get some Queensferry branded signage up ASAP.
Dave Sinclair | Local Transport and Environment Manager
Place | City of Edinburgh Council