Following questions asked by residents about the slurry tar spraying works to the Echline paths, QDCC can provide the following answers and information about the process from The City of Edinburgh Council Officers….
The contractor is scheduled to return, with the view of concluding the works, addressing any remedial issues and removing any associated waste, such as turf and construction debris.
A weed killing operation is undertaken prior to the works commencing as well as post laying of the slurry. In addition, a second weed killing operation will take place along the full length of the path once the laying of the slurry is complete.
On occasions, the slurry material can act as a fertiliser, which promotes faster weed regrowth, hence the reason for a pre and post weed killing operation. Any areas of slurry that have failed will be added to the remedial list, which the contractor will address sometime during the 12-month defects period.
The laying of slurry is extremely weather dependant, thus inclement weather can have a significant impact on the program. In this case, the works were delayed due to weather and the contractor is currently waiting for a window of opportunity, whereby they will return and complete the slurry along the full length of the path.
There is an ongoing slurry sealing program across the city and programmed dates must be adhered to wherever possible. Given this, areas which have not been fully completed will be addressed at the next available opportunity.
The work presently being undertaken is a medium term interim solution and QDCC are working with the City of Edinburgh Council’s Active Travel officers on a full upgrade of the path funded from S75 Planning gain funds, a Place Based Investment Programme and Active travel budget.