Making an Application Information Workshop (Free)
The Community Grants Fund (CGF) is a small grants scheme provided by the Council, and considered by the local Neighbourhood Networks.
Small grants of up to £5,000 can be awarded to constituted groups for local community activities and grants can be applied for throughout the year.
Almond and Western Neighbourhood Networks – are welcoming applications at this time for projects that benefit the local area.
The Neighbourhood Networks are particularly keen to receive applications from organisations who have not received a grant in recent years from the Community Grant Fund.
Almond & West Edinburgh Voluntary Sector Form in collaboration with the Neighbourhood Networks are hosting an online Information and Support Workshop on Tuesday 23rd November 6pm – 8pm to support groups who may not be familiar with either the grant process or completing an application form. This will explain who is eligible to apply, give advice on the types of projects that can be funded and give advice on how to complete the application form.
If you would like to attend the FREE online session please register on the link below
Kate Barrett
Development Worker – Community Planning