Category: Local Economy
Queensferry High St – One Way SfP
As previously advised the temporary Spaces for People measures have been implemented and the High St now runs one way west to east from Gote Lane to Hawes Promenade. Cycles remain two way. Signage, a temporary turn for HGV’s and extended pavements have been implemented. Whilst the various debates about and adjustments to SfP with […]
Local Business Promotion
✅Calling all High St Business owners City of Edinburgh Council have been running the #ShopHereThisYear project to help boost local businesses throughout the various areas in Edinburgh. Currently planned to start from April, spotlight weeks for each area will be promoted through This is Edinburgh’s media channels and others. To draw attention to these promotions, […]
High St – Spaces for People
The Spaces for People scheme for South Queensferry High Street will be installed over the week commencing 8th March 2021. Unfortunately, due to contractor availability the overlay of the pedestrian areas will have to be completed at a later date. The one way system and all other measures will be completed the week of 8th […]
Queensferry Business Promotion
We need businesses to come forward and participate in this if we are to gain the ongoing funding, support and promotion.Any local businesses who would be interested in compiling a prize and gaining the wide publicity for not just their business but the whole town, please contact us via the QDCC website….. • Win the […]
#shopherethisyear – Update and Next Steps
Thank you to those who attended our #shopherethisyear update meeting on 8th Dec. It was great to see you all and to hear your thoughts while discussing next steps in the campaign. For those who could not attend please find attached a copy of the presentation. For presentation slides click here As discussed and to […]
Business Gateway Etsy Webinar
We are running a webinar on the 15th December that some businesses in your local area may find of interest. This webinar will give you insights into how to create an ecommerce business on Etsy, including how it works compared with other similar platforms, which businesses are most likely to benefit, creating an essential checklist […]